Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So the whale season for me is now officially over. It has been a great one! I did go out yesterday but there were no whales to be seen and that is a good way to end the season. Over all I saw more whales, had more encounters and obtained more IDs than any previous year. I also had my first ever underwater swim with a Humpback as well as a Blue Whale. Not to mention my dolphin and turtle encounters last week. What is there to say except that next year I will already be here when my friends return and who knows what adventures will unfold.
I want to thank all of you that have contributed to my work, whether financially or spiritually, and I promise to keep up the work as long as I am able.
The pic of a mother and calf Humpback are the two I dove with some weeks ago and had that first underwater encounter I mentioned. As you might notice, the calf that is on the right, looks a bit damaged. Unfortunately it was. Hard to say what caused the initial injury but it's skin and backbone do not look good. When I dove with it and saw it under water I was pained to see how extensive the damage was. The Humpback fluke shot (white/black) is one of my best this year and the other is actually a Blue Whale fluke shot (which we do not often use for identification of Blues) to compare with. Moonset behind my place....ditto sunset.
As my reef work proceeds I will be posting an entirely different line of photos.

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