Sunday, January 18, 2009

For any of you wondering what has happened during the last week whale wise.....well, nothing. The weather is STILL not settled enough to go out to sea so I have nothing to report. It's not as though there is some great storm out at sea (my standard on that is pretty high having "weathered" a gale in the mid Pacific while at the helm of the 84' sailing schooner Dariabar) but it is difficult to spot whales even in a 2-3' wind chop from a panga. Nothing from shore either so it's all good. Of course it would be nice to go out looking especially at this time in the season because this is when to expect to see females with new born calves.....and that is a real treat!

I am enjoying my time immensely, reading, doing lots of writing, drawing and working in my desert garden. Outside of a perimeter of two or three imported plants I am keeping the desert as it is (always loved the desert since my graduate days in Tucson) just trimming it and encouraging it to reach for the skies.

I have begun to regularly practice meditation again. A combination of The Mer-Ka-Ba, a little transcendental meditation from the 60's and some louise Hay mantras. Along with a bit of Native American shamanic practices and connection with my "guides" a la Ron Scolastico....I'm moving right along. It's actually quite serious business and very important and rewarding for me.

Hope you are all doing well and I will report on my first encounter whenever that might be.

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